Tuesday, February 23, 2010

If I was to marry

If for some strange reason I ever decided to settle down with one person and get married I'd want him to be exactly like Rob from "High Fidelity." I seriously mean exactly like Rob. I want him to have elitist views on life. I want him to have a record collection that he arranges according to events in his life. I want him to have a record collection. I want him to make top five lists for nearly everything. I want him to break the fourth wall. I guess I could live without the whole cheating on me, borrowing four grand, and getting me pregnant. But I wouldn't be opposed to him looking like John Cusack.

1 comment:

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I used to be big on a woman having good taste in music and being like minded in all things pop culture, but then I met someone with complete opposite tastes and fell in love anyway.

It's a good thing I still have my friends to have way too in depth conversations about rock music . . .

Good post!