Friday, April 30, 2010

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery...

I don't think I believe it. I don't often get jealous of people, what they have, what they've done or things they desire. Sure there's times when I think, "oh that'd be cool to have." or "I would love to go there." But I'm generally happy with my life that I don't need to live vicariously through other people. I don't understand people that do. I mean people that legitimately do.

Live your own life, don't do what people tell you to do, or expect you to do. Do what makes you happy. You can't go around falling prey to peer pressure. You may be young, but you know right from wrong. There must be something in your head telling you who you really are, what you really want want/need/expect...

Are you really this person? Have you only let yourself become some fabrication of what you think people want to see? Do you have any original thoughts of your own? Do you need attention that badly? I almost feel sorry for you. You need so much attention and validation for every action you do I'm not even sure you're a real person. You say you are different, you say you're unique, but in your struggles to be "so" different, in reality, you're exactly the same.

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