Thursday, July 8, 2010

difference in age

I remember being thirteen and having someone who was sixteen tell me how big of a difference there was between thirteen and sixteen. I responded with “Yeah three years and a drivers license.”

I thought I was so funny.

Did I really think that was the only difference? Three years and a drivers license. That seems like so little of a difference. If I could talk to my thirteen year old self I wonder what she would think of me now. Ten years ago. She was a scared little girl doing whatever she could to fit in. She felt awkward, ugly and like everything was fall down around her. I obviously know, I was her.

I think now, how big of a difference three years makes. There’s a huge difference between sixteen and nineteen, nineteen and twenty two. I can hardly even remember being eighteen anymore, and it was only five years ago, I can only imagine how life changes as we get older. I don’t think I ever really realize it until I had to lived it. At eighteen I didn’t think there was any difference between being eighteen and twenty but there is, there’s a maturity that comes with age, what someone chooses to do with it is up to them. If someone told me when I was eighteen that I’d be a completely different person when I was twenty three I would have told them it was bullshit. I could never have foreseen the changes in my life. I still can’t see the future and I don’t doubt right now that I’ll be changed when I’m thirty, and again at forty. Not a completely changed and different person but obviously a wiser person with a little more experience.

I wish I could go back in time and tell my teenage self not to be so resistant to change, advice and thought provoking decisions.


Unknown said...

I was just looking over a lot of your stuff. Lol...I was very much like you are now at when I was your age. Age isn't really the issue it's experience. You can be 50 and if the only thing you've seen is Sponge Bob you're going to act according. Maturity is a word for teenage girls, although everyone uses it. When you're older...maturity isn't an issue...everyone's "mature" so to speak. Their experience and wisdom in how they use it in their lives makes all the difference. That's just my opinion. I liked your blog post. But you being the defensive person you are probably think I'm attacking you when really I'm just having a Love ya!!!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Oh, I'd have lots of things to tell myself. I'd tell lots of things to myself that could have been life altering last Thursday.